theArtists Associate Partners |
theArtists Associate Partners Aaron Chaplin Alethia Antonia Alfred George Bailey Anna Watkins (Founder) Bawren Tavaziva Carmine De Amicis Chris Nash Deborah Jaffe Ellen Yilma Freya Harris Jessie Jing Jordan James Bridge Lisa Rowley Marta Świerczynska Mathieu Karsenti Michael Marquez Nancy Nerantzi Natalie Alleston Sandrine Monin Shania Selvendran Vanessa Vince-Pang Zosia Jagodzinska |
theArtists Associate Partners are artists who have joined in partnership with this platform representing highly skilled and established artists within the industry as well as up and coming artists representing as leaders for their fellow future colleagues. theArtists Associate Partners have shown dedication to the industry and worked with some of the most talented artists in the UK and internationally. Awarding recognition of their input to the dance industry. All theArtists Associate Partners are listed on this website in the categories of their art forms, this may include more than one art form! |